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  • M1919 Machinegun Replica
  • M1919 Machinegun Replica
  • M1919 Machinegun Replica
  • M1919 Machinegun Replica
  • M1919 Machinegun Replica
  • M1919 Machinegun Replica
  • M1919 Machinegun Replica
  • M1919 Machinegun Replica

M1919 Machinegun Replica

  • Material: Steel + Metal
  • Weight: 15260 g
  • Length: 980 mm
  • Colour: Black
  • Muzzle Velocity: ~400 FPS
  • Engine: Electric
  • Manufacturer: 6mmProShop
  • Productcode: 6MM-01-012573
1 636,51 €
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M1919 Machinegun Replica

Attention: the replica features a completely black barrel - photographs with orange cap are only for preview.

A unique, made from steel true replica of M1919 Browning machine gun. A medium-calibre machine gun, which originally fires .30 (7,62 x 63mm) ammunition. The set includes an ammunition belt based on the original with a set of dummy rounds. This machine gun has been widely used during 20th century. It has seen use in WWII, Korean War and Vietnam War. M1919 was used as an infantry support weapon. It was positively regarded for its low mount and low weight (in its class). The infantry version used a tripod, however the machine gun was also mounted on vehicles - mostly on off-road vehicles, armoured personnel carriers, tanks and amphibious vehicles. Later variants of the machine gun were used also as weapons for the Airforce, both as fixed (offensive) and mobile (defensive) weaponry.

M1919 comes in two separate boxes - one for the machine gun, one for the tripod. The entire machine gun and tripod are made from the same steel. The set has to be assembled by the user - the process is accurately outlined in the manual.

The machine gun is not the lightest piece of weaponry. The weight of the entire set is ~15,3 kg. However, the machine gun itself is very well-balanced - the centre of weight is located ideally beneath the mount of the tripod, which makes the usage of the entire set very pleasant. Manoeuvring the machine gun and its usage will provide the user with a truly realistic experience. Steel elements include the receiver, magazine and all assembly elements. Metal parts include the outer barrel, its shroud, the dust cover and majority of moving parts. The bipod was made from steel.

The BB slide from the magazine to the machine gun is attached to the side. The pipe is attached to the hole that introduces the BBs into the chamber. The box can store 5000 BBs, so emptying it takes quite some time. The magazine is powered by four AA batteries (not included in the set).

Similarly to the original, the replica also serves to provide covering fire. The machine gun was designed to allow for pinning down enemies with high rate of fire. Small muzzle velocity ~400 FPS and long barrel (500 mm long) allow for an astounding range. High quality internal gearbox parts allow for squeezing the trigger for prolonged periods of time without worry about damaging the interior of the replica. The motor does not overheat and parts that fit well together allow the user to refrain from inspecting the insides of the replica for a long time.

When it comes to functionality, M1919 is not complicated. Its assembly, after some practice, takes only short while and connecting all the wires is very simple. The magazine has a red button, which causes the box to feed BBs once it is pressed. Since the ammo box itself cannot be attached to the machinegun - the set includes a shelf, which can be screwed to the replica in order to place the ammo box on it. The machine gun can be used by one person, however, during transport an extra pair of hands will prove useful for grabbing the tripod.

M1919 machine gun by 6mmProShop is an ideal addition for re-enactment groups of Allies and Axis armies from and after the WWII.

On the inside - M1919 conceals a gearbox known from M249 A&K replicas.

ATTENTION! The set does not include a battery or a charger.

The set includes:

- machine gun replica
- tripod
- tripod mount
- T&E rear mount
- box type magazine
- magazine shelf

Magazine compatibiliteitstabel

Instructies voor het opladen van de batterij:

Replika karabinu maszynowego M1919
Mondingssnelheid [FPS]

Jest to prędkość kulki, w momencie opuszczenia przez nią lufy repliki. Mierzona jest w FPS (stopy na sekundę).

1 FPS = 0,3 m/s

1 J = 99 m/s

1 J = 326,7 FPS

Gearbox versie

Oznaczenia v2, v3, v6 nie oznaczają stopnia zaawansowania mechanizmu ,a jedynie kształt zastosowanego szkieletu, który dobierany jest przez producenta w zależności od możliwości korpusu repliki. Przykładowo, repliki z rodziny M4/M16, MP5, mają gearbox v2, natomiast rodzina AK czy G36 gearbox v3.

Gearbox special
Vuur modes
Lengte [mm]
Inner barrel lengte [mm]
Waga [g]
Magazijn type
Box magazijen
Magazijn capaciteit [pcs]

System Hop-Up służy do podkręcania kulki podczas wystrzału (wprowadzenie jej w obrót rotacyjny), dzięki któremu, przedłuża ona swój tor lotu. Działające prawa fizyki, powodują iż obrót kulki unosi ją do góry, natomiast siły grawitacyjne naturalnie ją przyciągają. Odpowiednie wyregulowanie Hop-Up, spowoduje wyrównanie tych dwóch zjawisk, co zaowocuje długim i prostym lotem na dłuższym dystansie oraz większeym skupieniem strzału (poprawienie celności).

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