H.M.G.46 Bullpup Custom Heavy Machine Gun Replica
GF Custom Division is an idea born in the heads of the Gunfire airsoft team. We want to offer you highest-quality replicas modified and configured by our team using the best, tested parts and accessories. No element of the replica is there without a reason - these are exactly the kind of configurations that we would like to use in the field. In the custom work on replicas helps our many-year airsoft experience and it can be easily summed up that GF Custom Division is a project created in 100% by players for players.
This time we have selected a solid support weapon replica for customization - H.M.H.46 by a known and popular company - A&K!
H.M.G.46 Bullpup is an interesting and unusual replica that came to be thanks to the cooperation of GF Custom Division with Almost Art studio - known for, among others, double replica projects.
The replica has undergone a significant metamorphosis that entailed the shortening of the entire construction. Now, the replica constitutes a very concise, tight block shortened to 735 mm!
H.M.G.46 Bullpup features numerous RIS mounting rails that enable the adaptation of accessories to user preferences and its compact (for a support replica) size makes it an ideal choice for a CQB scenario replica.
The structure of the replica was made from metal. The receiver, the external barrel and RIS rails were made from high-quality aluminum with the use of precise CNC machines. Polymer parts include: the pistol grip, the magazine casing and additional accessories included in the set - protective panels for RIS rails and the stock. Small elements such as the flash hider were made from steel.
The entire barrel system can be removed, which lasts mere seconds thanks to the rapid disassembly system. All that is needed is to press a lever located next to the top cover and the barrel will be literally “pushed out” of the receiver. Under the aforementioned cover is a Hop-Up adjustment knob.
The heart of this replica is a reinforced specially-constructed gearbox mounted on 8 mm bearings. A great advantage that is the quick spring change system will allow for a dynamic change of the muzzle velocity of the replica, depending on the requirements and conditions of the airsoft battlefield.
The replica comes with a Hi-Cap, STANAG magazine with a capacity of up to 300 BBs. The replica can be also fed with a box magazine - a characteristic feature for M249 replicas.
This LMG by A&K is an ideal choice for every airsoft enthusiast that desires to test his mettle in the field as a support gunner but also looking for a construction that is lighter or more ergonomic than the awkward M249 or PKM LMGs. Operating the Mk46 is almost as comfortable as operating a traditional assault rifle.
The set does not include a battery or a charger.
The set includes:
- replica
- Hi-Cap magazine
- bipod
Nazwa | Replika karabinu maszynowego H.M.G.46 Bullpup Custom - czarna |
Mondingssnelheid [FPS]![]() Jest to prędkość kulki, w momencie opuszczenia przez nią lufy repliki. Mierzona jest w FPS (stopy na sekundę). 1 FPS = 0,3 m/s 1 J = 99 m/s 1 J = 326,7 FPS | 390 |
Gearbox versie![]() Oznaczenia v2, v3, v6 nie oznaczają stopnia zaawansowania mechanizmu ,a jedynie kształt zastosowanego szkieletu, który dobierany jest przez producenta w zależności od możliwości korpusu repliki. Przykładowo, repliki z rodziny M4/M16, MP5, mają gearbox v2, natomiast rodzina AK czy G36 gearbox v3. | Gearbox special |
Vuur modes | Full-auto |
Lengte [mm] | 735 |
Waga [g] | 5970 |
Magazijn type | hi-cap |
Magazijn capaciteit [pcs] | 300 |
Hop-Up![]() System Hop-Up służy do podkręcania kulki podczas wystrzału (wprowadzenie jej w obrót rotacyjny), dzięki któremu, przedłuża ona swój tor lotu. Działające prawa fizyki, powodują iż obrót kulki unosi ją do góry, natomiast siły grawitacyjne naturalnie ją przyciągają. Odpowiednie wyregulowanie Hop-Up, spowoduje wyrównanie tych dwóch zjawisk, co zaowocuje długim i prostym lotem na dłuższym dystansie oraz większeym skupieniem strzału (poprawienie celności). | Ja |
Blow Back![]() Blow Back (BB) jest to system imitujący pracę zamka (odrzut podczas wystrzału), który spotykany jest najczęściej w modelach gazowych pistoletów i karabinów, jednakże co raz częściej pojawia się on także w replikach elektrycznych. Dzięki temu, strzelanie staje się bardziej zbliżone do ostrych odpowiedników, co zwiększa realizm podczas rozgrywek. Za każdym naciśnięciem za spust, replice towarzyszy tzw. "kopnięcie", czyli odrzut spowodowany zwrotnym ruchem zamka. | Nee |